Synergy’s Guide to Finding a New Job

So, you’ve decided to look for a new job but not too sure where to begin? At Synergy, we’re all about helping you to find your perfect job, not just a job. So, here’s our simple guide to help you navigate your career move with confidence and to find your new (perfect!) job

1. Time to Reflect

It may be tempting to start by firing your CV to every vaguely relevant job you find online. But this is never the best approach and will only result in unnecessary applications and wasted time.

Instead, take the time to assess the reasons why you’re leaving your current job. Is it a need for growth, a new challenge, or a better work-life balance? Understanding the factors behind your decision to leave will guide you on what it is you’re looking for from your next job.

Are you looking for a remote, hybrid or office-based role? What are your salary requirements? How far are you happy to commute each day? Make a list of your absolute non-negotiables from a new job and a separate list with things you can be flexible on.

Next, sit back and reflect on your career. What have you accomplished? What are your plans for the future? What do you enjoy doing, and what are your dislikes? What sort of team & office environment can you see yourself in?

Understanding what you want will help focus your search on roles that truly align with your career aspirations, giving you the confidence that you are only applying to jobs that are right for you.

2. Update Your CV

It’s a competitive market out there and your CV  is your first impression to recruiters and Hiring Managers – so make it count! If possible, create your own CV instead of using a generated version – a bit of personality can go a long way in helping you stand out from the crowd. If you don’t know where to start, we have a handy template which you can download at:

Your CV should begin with a few short sentences to introduce your experience and what you can bring to a new employer. Next up is your work history, which should work backwards, starting from your most recent role. Always remember to include the start and finish dates of each position. Write a few bullet points to highlight your key responsibilities within each role – keep this concise and avoid using any jargon.

If you don’t have a work history to include, start instead with your education, listing qualifications, grades obtained and which school/ university you attended, again working backwards from the most recent.

It’s also a good idea to include a list of skills to accentuate your strengths, you can also tailor this to each role that you apply for (more on this later..)

Lastly, don’t forget to include your location and contact details for that all important call back!

3. Tailor Your Applications

Now that you have a strong CV, it’s time to tailor it to the types of roles you’re applying for. We don’t suggest creating a new CV for every single job you apply for, no one has time for that! But if you’re interested in applying for different job roles it’s a good idea to have a CV for each.

Are you looking to change sectors? Make that clear within your personal statement, avoid any job-specific jargon and include any transferrable skills you can bring to the table.

Are you looking for a customer service position? Include any experience you have working with customers and highlight your communication and problem-solving skills.

Using a more tailored approach shows that you’ve taken an interest in the role and increases your chances of landing an interview.

4. Seeing What’s Out There

Time for the exciting part – applying to live vacancies! Popular job boards include Indeed, Reed, Monster Jobs and CV Library. By uploading your CV to job boards, you can ensure you’re one of the first applicants to new roles.

It’s also a good idea to contact local recruitment agencies. Usually, agencies will specailise within a particular area so if you have experience in a specific sector, it’s worth reaching out to specialists to maximise your chances of finding the right role.

You could also research companies that align with your values and career goals. Find potential employers you’d be interested in working for and sign up to alerts for when they’re recruiting or submit your CV to become a part of their talent pool.

Do bear in mind that the job market can vary depending on the time of year. During the summer Hiring Managers may be a little preoccupied with their summer holidays rather than recruiting and training a new team member. Don’t get disheartened if you don’t find the right role straight away!

 5. The Interview Stage

As interviews roll in, make sure you’re prepared. Research the company, visit their social media pages, rehearse common interview questions, and be ready to discuss how your skills fit their role. Don’t forget to prepare your own questions because it’s just as important that you find out whether the role is right for you.  Any recruiter worth their salt should give you extensive information about the role and company prior to your interview. If not, don’t be afraid to ask loads of questions until you feel fully prepared.

After interviews, send a thank-you email if possible. This small gesture shows professionalism and keeps you in mind.

6. Evaluate Offers Carefully

When offers come in, it may be hard to choose between them. Look back at the lists you made at the beginning of your search to remind yourself what factors are most important to you. If you need extra advice, talk to your recruiter. Most importantly never, ever, hand in your notice until you’ve accepted an offer and received your offer letter/ contract.

7. Resign Gracefully

Once you’ve accepted your new job, it’s time to hand in your notice.  Do this professionally; provide ample notice, offer to help with a handover, and leave on good terms.  It may be awkward but once it’s done, you can start to get excited about starting your new role!

If you’d like more guidance on handing in your notice, check out our candidate hub

8. Stay Positive

Job searching can take time, so stay patient. Keep refining your approach, learning from feedback, and maintaining a positive attitude. The right opportunity will come.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to securing a new job that’s the perfect fit for your future!

Happy to Help!

At Synergy we take the time to get to know you and your career aspirations, meaning that we will only contact you with roles that are right for you. We also provide thorough interview preparation and in-depth guidance throughout the process, and will be with you every step of the way as your biggest supporter!

So, if you’re looking for your next commercial office role, get in touch today to see how we can help.