How to attract the right kind of candidates in 2021
We don’t think there’s any denying that COVID-19 has changed a lot of things in our lives. The recruitment industry has seen a complete flip in the market over the past year, switching to a predominantly job-led market, (meaning there are more candidates available than there are jobs to fill) due to the unfortunate rise in unemployment. But, we’ve also seen a complete flip in people’s mindsets towards job hunting and what’s important to them from a role and company. So, how can businesses attract the right kind of candidates? Do businesses even NEED to offer anything in a job-driven market?
In the commercial office sector, we’re seeing a real trend in what candidates are looking for when choosing a role and ultimately, a company to work for. One thing COVID-19 has taught us all, is the importance of maintaining a healthy work/life balance. This year more than ever, we believe that businesses are going to have to not only offer this to potential employees, but also demonstrate it. So, how can a business do that?
Working from home has proven to businesses and employees that it works, and in some cases, it works better than when all the staff are in the office! From what we have seen this is going to be something that candidates are looking for going forward. A level of flexibility and trust from their employer, offering the ability to adjust your work life to fit your home life.
Show that you care
It’s been ignored by many businesses for so long, but mental health is now at the fore. More than ever candidates are looking for a supportive and inclusive environment. Is the business offering training opportunities? Is there support for maternity or paternity leave? How often do I get to sit down with my manager? The businesses that can show they genuinely care about their employee’s wellbeing both inside and out of the office will thrive this year.
Have a plan
We’ve come from a year of constant uncertainty. Having structure and a clear plan going forward are going to be key to attracting and keeping existing employees throughout 2021. People have lost their jobs, been on furlough and separated from the day-to-day workings of a business. Candidates will be looking for structure and stability in their new roles. The long-term and short-term goals of a business will need to be articulated to candidates for them to trust and feel as though their role is secure.
So, what do you think is key for businesses to focus on this year to attract and keep the right kind of candidates? Do you think companies that aren’t offering these things will get left behind?
To find out more about recruiting in a candidate-driven market, get in touch: